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Back Linking Your Online Contents Is A Great Way To Increase Hub Traffic

Updated on November 12, 2014

Getting traffic to your hubs seems to be the only way to make any sensible type of revenue here on hub pages. As we all know, you do have to have some quality content hubs. Not just hubs that are based on non-essential subjects, but hubs on subjects and issues that are very well sought after.

I haven't quite grasp the concept of back-linking as I would love to, but there are some practices that I've engaged in when it comes to linking to my hubs that have produced some positive fruits.

I must mentioned though, that a lot of these have been adopted from reading some hubs here on hub pages. That goes to tell some how much you can learn from other hubbers, if we will just take the time to read other hubs. And to think that most are just simple steps you can take to help drive some traffic to your hubs. Here are a few of them:

Hub-To-Hub. It's finger pointing time!
Hub-To-Hub. It's finger pointing time! | Source

Sharing Web Contents Via Email

Recently, I started sharing my hubs links with friends through my personal email. I however, only share links that are of interest to selected group of friends as I am very aware of the issue of spamming through email.

I usually bring up a topic that I've written about, and if any of my friends shows an interest in the subject I send him or her a link. And boy, those links do travel, sometimes across continents, trust me! This has helped to generate hundreds of hits to specific hubs, thereby increasing traffic and revenue. Try it, and you'll definitely see a hike in your hubs traffic, and you know what that adds up to.

Submitting Web Contents Links To Content Sharing Sites

There are so many of these content sharing and bookmarking sites out there. You're probably already using some of them, sites such as,

  • Reddit
  • Digg it
  • Technorati
  • Pinterest

Some content sharing sites have a free basic membership that allows you to submit your bookmarks for free. Most now require that you pay a monthly or yearly fee for this service. Though the fees usually charged by these sites are quite minimal, somewhere between $2.99 to $5 a month, it still comes down to, "How much are you willing to pay to generate revenue that results from increase traffic to your hub?

Bookmarking Web Contents For A Small Fee

The following bookmarking sites will let you post your hub links for a fee:

Shetoldme - Shetoldme currently charges $5 a month or $12 a year fee for membership. The free basic membership does not give you the option to post links.

IMAutomator - When I first joined IMAutomator about a year ago they had a free service that allows you to post 10 links a day for free. This service has since been discontinued due to abuse (so they say). The company now offers now offers what they call, a Light version that provides the same level of service (up to 10 posted links a day) for $2.99 a month.

These are just a few of the sites that offer a fee for bookmarking services.

Free Boomarking Sites

Here are a few bookmarking sites that are still free:

SocialMonkee - This is one of the free bookmarking site that I'm a member of, unfortunately I have not fully taken advantage of the free membership. With SocialMonkee free membership, you get 25 unique backlinks to your site. You can choose to upgrade to the premium package for a one time fee of $47. This gives you 100 back-links to your pages, 3 times a day. That's a one-time fee, and a lot of backlinks.

Reddit - We all use Reddit. It's free, but not so user-friendly, and I believe the one problem that many face in trying to use this free service if the problem of navigating to specific sub-reddits. Another problem is that you can easily be banned from those sub-reddits for too much postings.

BookMark4You - This is another free bookmarking site that I've used a lot in recent times. Here you can post as many links a day (don't exactly know the maximum). It's pretty easy to use once you're registered. Just post your hub Url, type in your tags and click. You'll be asked to make any corrections before finally posting.

Dropjack - Here you can post of submit a story. Layout is very similar to that of BookMark4You, and it's very easy to navigate too.

Manta - is one of those site that is geared more toward businesses. It a free way to get your business noticed, but can also be used to promote individual hub pages and blogs. Joining is as easy as using your facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, and Google login. You will also be required to create your company's page or profile. This will serve you better if you have an etsy shop or an online store through which you can promote your hubs.

Hub-to-hub link

Have you seen any increase in traffic from linking your hubs together?

See results

Hub-To-Hub Link. It Helps!

Linking one hub to another is another great way of back linking. I often do this with hubs that have related content. Just create a hyperlink in one hub, and point it to the other hub with related content.

Sometimes you can do this with hubs that addresses a specific subject, but are not directly related in content. Say, I'm writing a hub on a specific Wedding Theme color, I can point it to another hub that's on home decorating theme, if it deals with the same color theme as that of the wedding.

I have notice a significant increase in the traffic to my hubs that were linked together this way partly due to the fact that readers sometimes click on the links to either view or read the linked hub.


Social Network Sites That Works Great With Web Contents

The following social network sites are those that I'm actually a member of. I have not only shared contents that have generated traffic and revenue to my hubs, I have also met, and still meeting great people. It's why they are called, networking sites.

This next - I love this site! Here you can share your links, products you like and so on. It's a great way to drive traffic to your hubs that talks about rare, original stuffs, definitely!

Pinterest - This is a social network site where you can share your contents. Members are allowed to "pin" their or others images, videos and other objects to their pin board. You can pin images and contents from your hubs to your pin board. This draws attention to your hubs. Your hub audience grows and so does your hub's earnings.

And even more, Pinterest is now introducing Viraliti, the adwords for Pinterest. Viraliti is a social media advertisement network that allows Pinterest users to earn some advertising income as they share their contents on Pinterest.

Zurker - This is an amazing site that offers you all the perks of a social networking site, plus lots of added bonus. When you become a member of the Social Network Site, you also get the opportunity to own part of it. Meaning, you can invest as little as $1.00 (one dollar) to one a share of this site, plus these other benefits; you gain friends, get traffic to your web content through link sharing.

This site is still in it's beta stage, so the time to join in now! Remember, you get a piece of the pie. How cool is that! You win both ways.

Also, don't forget to take advantage of sharing your hubs on your Facebook pages, and if you have a Google account, share your hubs on Google. It never hurts.

Manual Backlinks - It works, If You've Got The Time

Although manually back-linking your hubs and blogs takes a lot of time and work, it is more cost-effective for me. On the long-run, I believe it has proven to be an effective way of building back-links to my hubs.

I'm still learning, and have also taken the steps to use some of the back-links-for-a-fee sites. The result so far, not so much difference, but I'm willing to give it time.


Do you love to write? Do you have a passion for sharing with others what you know? You can do that by signing up right here on hubpages. And guess what? You'll make some money doing it too. Writing, that is.

Author:Comfort Babatola - © 2013


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